2020 Events Listing
quick links
Friday July 31st, 2020

Drive-Through Opening Ceremonies
Join us for free juice and cupcakes from 12-2pm in the lot off of Wellington St. between Mascotto's Marine and Pelican Lake Sandwich Company (where the old Knobby's restaurant was).
Please enter only from the right-turning lane and stay in your cars during this event.
There will also be a drive-through BBQ courtesy of the Sioux Lookout Shrine Club (accepting tap).
After, visit the Sioux Lookout Blueberry Festival Facebook page to watch videos filmed by some very special people and the Announcement of the 2020 Jack McKenzie Volunteer Award recipient.

Local vendors will be selling their products in the Travel Information Centre parking lot (11 First Ave. South).
Drop by anytime between 9:30am-4pm and remember to follow the physical distancing guidelines posted.
Pop-Up Shops
While shopping in Giant Tiger (12 Fifth Ave. South), we will announce on the P/A system: “It’s time for random acts of fun!” That’s your cue to participate and jump in on that activity.
There will be games, prizes, giveaways, and more. You never know what might come up as it will be random throughout the day!
Random Acts of Fun!
Come out to the Ojibway Baits beach (438 Hwy 72) to enjoy some outdoor yoga from 7-8pm.
Registration is required for this event. To register, follow this link: https://forms.gle/DpfKZjuoM8ujuktZA
For any questions, call Melissa at 738-1203.
Sunset Yoga

Play Trivia from the comforts of your own home! By yourself or with Friends! It's Free to enter and there will be prizes for the winners! Watch and play along with the Youtube video that will be going live Friday July 31st at 7pm, and it will be up until Sunday at 1pm! Email ahoey.15@gmail.com for more info or to register!
Blueberry Festival Online Trivia
Saturday August 1st, 2020
Ladies' Blueberry Open
10 am tee-off.
The $80 entry fee includes a 9-hole practice round on Friday, 18-hole tournament, coffee and muffins, dinner, and prizes.
Call Tanya at 737-0558 for more information, or the golf course at 737-1800 to register.
Unfortunately, Blueberry Bert’s 38th birthday had to be cancelled this year BUT you are still invited to pick up a special birthday loot bag and wave to Bert!
Pick up will be a drive-through style in the lot off of Wellington St. between Mascotto's Marine and Pelican Lake Sandwich Company (where the old Knobby's restaurant was).
Come by any time between 12-2pm to celebrate! Please stay in your vehicle and enter only from the right-turning lane.
For all kids aged 13 and under.
This event is sponsored by Tbaytel.
Bert's Birthday Gift Bags
Sunday August 2nd, 2020
Beginning at 10am at the Sioux Lookout Golf and Curling Club.
$25 for youth (14-18 years), $20 for Juniors (11-13 years), $15 for Jr. Juniors (<10 years).
For registration information, contact Alyssa at 737-1800.
Junior Blueberry Open Golf Tournament
Join Paddlebender Canoe Instructors for the third annual Blueberry Flotilla ... a people-powered water-craft parade!
Meet at the Forest Inn beach (First Sandy) or join anywhere along the route with your canoe/kayak/paddleboard, paddle, and PFD for a tour of the Pelican Lake shoreline.
The parade will travel a counter-clockwise loop along the shoreline and will end back at the Forest Inn.
Costumes and decorated crafts are encouraged!
All participants MUST wear a PFD. Participants aged 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. The event will be cancelled in the case of stormy weather.

Blueberry Flotilla: People-Propelled Water Parade!
Slate Falls Air Float Plane Rides
The annual SFA floatplane rides return for 2020! Let’s bring some normalcy back to life in Sioux!
Come on out to the SFA base (29 Wellington St.) for a flight over Sioux Lookout between 10am-3pm for this Blueberry Festival tradition!
$20/person for an 8-10 minute flight. Face masks are required and can be provided if you don’t have your own.
BBQ food available in support of Sioux Looks Out For Paws.
Drop by the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) between 10 am and 3 pm to create a chalk masterpiece with your family or friends (weather permitting).
All ages welcome, parental supervision required! Participants are required to follow the current gathering limit restrictions and social distancing protocols.
For more information, contact Kayleigh at 737-1937.
Family Chalk Day Drop-In

Take Out Fish Fry
Help support our local skaters of the Sioux Lookout Skating Club! Come and pick up a fish and french fry dinner at the Travel Information Centre between 4pm and 7pm for only $10!
Email siouxlookoutfsc@gmail.com or text 738-4181 to place an order. Payment can be made by e-transfer.
Delivery is available for seniors and all those who cannot make it to the Travel Information Centre!
Featuring Sioux Lookout Multicultural Youth Bands, local area bands, northern bands, Thunder Bay performers, Nick Sherman, and other solo performers.
The event will be held online from 3-10 pm.
Find The Sioux Mountain Online Music Festival 2020 on Facebook for more information.

See Nick Sherman headline this year's online music festival!
Sioux Mountain Music Festival
Monday August 3rd, 2020
Let’s get back to “close to normal”. Rotary will provide the same delicious pancakes and sausage, which can be picked up and enjoyed at your leisure.
Pick yours up in a drive-through style at the Masonic Hall parking lot (corner of Fair St. and Second Ave. North) from 8-10am for $5/plate.
2020 will go down in history as the year we had to figure out how to be with each other without being with each other. At least we can share pancakes and smiles!

Drive-Through Rotary Pancake Breakfast
4 person team (individual play averaged for team score) golf tournament at the Sioux Lookout Golf and Curling Club.
Begins at 9 am. $60/team. Must be mixed gender. For registration information, contact Alyssa at 737-1800
Mixed Blueberry Open
All routes will be marked on the day listed in the schedule of events. If you know the route, feel free to complete it whenever you please.
Blueberry Tri-Sport - Swim
The traditional Blueberry Triathlon is taking a new form this year! The swim, bike, and run will take place on three separate days throughout the week. There will be no mass starts and participants may complete the course any time between 9am and 3pm.
Swim buoys will be set out off Second Sandy Beach.
Participants must be at least 16 years old.
You may enter for one, two, or all three events as individuals or in teams of 2-3.
Follow this link to register: https://forms.gle/6R1M3VyJDaQqmDcq8
Participants will time themselves (honour system), and report their times to this online form: https://forms.gle/BWcGZUKdkv8gvLzA6
The swim course will be at Second Sandy Beach, about 3 km south of the Travel Information Centre on the west side of Hwy 72.
Two large buoys will be placed off-shore, far enough out for water to be swim depth. The buoys will be placed 182 metres apart to form a swim line parallel to the shore.
The short-course (Try-a-Tri) swim is 375 metres and can be accomplished by starting your swim at one buoy, swimming to and around the other buoy, and swimming back to the buoy where you started, for a 375-metre swim.
For the long-course swim, do the short-course twice for a total swim of 750 metres.
For more information, call 737-3227.
Grab your knitting needles (5mm) or crochet hooks (5mm / H-8) and head on over to Drayton Cash and Carry (168 Drayton Rd.) for a fun competition! Yarn is provided.
Email draytoncc@outlook.com or call 737-3632 for more information. This event is sponsored by Drayton Cash and Carry
Speed Knitting/Crochet Contest
Visit youtube.com/SLPublicLibrary at 7pm to watch local naturalists talk about and show the wonders of nature to be seen in and around Cedar Bay (birds, mushrooms, flowers and traditional plants).
Cedar Bay Talks

Sioux Looks Out For Paws Rescue Walk
A walk to raise money for local animals. Pick up your pledge sheets at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South).
Starts at the Travel Information Centre parking lot at 11am. Bring your dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, or any other pet!
Prizes to be won! Contact Lynda at 738-1569 for more information.
Tuesday August 4th, 2020
Calling all kids aged 3-10! Pick up a Spotter Sheet at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) or the Kiosk in the Cedar Bay parking lot between Tuesday and Friday and see what kinds of wildlife you can spot on the Cedar Bay trails!
The activity starts with a lemonade “Guzzle and Go” any time between 1-3pm at the
Cozy Cabin picnic table (please bring your own cup).
Remember, Tuesday afternoon is the only time to see the EXTRA SPECIAL creatures on your sheets!
What Have You Spotted at Cedar Bay?
In this Zoom drawing lesson, students will learn to draw comic characters and superheroes with local artist Gabrielle Cosco at 3pm.
Students will learn a step-by-step process of drawing characters and superheroes using a variety of different drawing techniques. Supplies needed are pencils, drawing paper, a ruler, and stylo.
For youth ages 9 and up. To register, email gabriellecosco@gmail.com.
Cartoon Character and Superhero Drawing Lessons
Sioux Cycling Weekly Group Ride
Join Sioux Cycling for a weekly cycling club ride. Beginners welcome! Meet at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) at 6:25 pm. The trip will be a maximum of 30km. All are welcome! Find us at @SiouxCycling on Facebook.
Participants will drive around town in teams of two, attempting to fulfill as many of the tasks provided within the time limit
The team with the most points will win an awesome prize! Sign up at the Travel Information Centre by Sunday, August 2 to participate. The cost is $20/team.
Contact Kayleigh at 737-1937 or chamber@siouxlookout.com for more information. This event is sponsored by Home Hardware Building Centre.
UPDATE: All spots are now filled for this event. Thank you to all who have registered!
3rd Annual Epic Car Scavenger Hunt

Wednesday August 5th, 2020

All routes will be marked on the day listed in the schedule of events. If you know the route, feel free to complete it whenever you please.
Blueberry Tri-Sport - Bike
The traditional Blueberry Triathlon is taking a new form this year! The swim, bike, and run will take place on three separate days throughout the week. There will be no mass starts and routes will be marked between 9am and 3pm.
Participants must be at least 16 years old.
You may enter for one, two, or all three events as individuals or in teams of 2-3.
Follow this link to register: https://forms.gle/6R1M3VyJDaQqmDcq8
Participants will time themselves (honour system), and report their times to this online form: https://forms.gle/BWcGZUKdkv8gvLzA
For more information, call 737-3227.
Both short and long-course bike routes start at the Travel Information Centre (TIC) south exit from the TIC parking lot.
For the short (Try-a-Tri) route, cycle south to Moosehorn Road, turn right into Moosehorn and turn around immediately for the return back to the TIC to complete the course where you started. The short bike course is a total of 12.4 km.
For the long-route, cycle south past Moosehorn Road and turn right down Hwy 664 towards Hudson. Cycle approximately 5 km and turn right from Hwy 664 into the Pelican Falls Road. Turn around immediately for the return back to the TIC to complete the course where you started. The long bike course is a total of 23.3 km.
Short (Try-a-Tri) Bike Route: Regular Bike Route:

5K Family Fun Run
All ages and abilities welcome! The run will kick off at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South). The first group will leave at 10am. Small groups will arrive and start the run at different time intervals to allow for social distancing.
Registration is required for this events. To register, visit the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) or call 737-1937.
Online Art Workshop
Norah Laverty will demonstrate a variety of techniques for incorporating blueberries (and other animals/plants) into your artwork using watercolours at 10 am.
Please contact the library at ceo@slpl.on.ca to register. Each participant
will need to pay a $10 fee to cover the costs of materials. The library will distribute the material required for the workshop to a maximum of 20 registered participants.
Calling all kids aged 3-10! Pick up a Spotter Sheet at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) or the Kiosk in the Cedar Bay parking lot between Tuesday and Friday and see what kinds of wildlife you can spot on the Cedar Bay trails!
What Have You Spotted at Cedar Bay?
Visit Charron in the Travel Information Centre parking lot (11 First Ave. South) from 1-4pm to browse a variety of Blueberry Festival-themed crafts and official Blueberry Festival merchandise!
Everything Blueberry Pop-Up Shop

Local vendors will be selling their products in the Travel Information Centre parking lot (11 First Ave. South).
Drop by anytime between 9:30am-4pm and remember to follow the physical distancing guidelines posted.
Pop-Up Shops
In this virtual drawing lesson, Gabrielle Cosco, local artist and illustrator, will
take you through a portrait drawing lesson using a variety of different drawing techniques on Zoom at 6:30pm.
Students will need an image printed out to use as a reference (a picture found online or one of a pet or family member) to draw over top of. You will need pencils, paper, a ruler, and a stylo.
To register, email gabriellecosco@gmail.com.
Drawing Lessons
Visit youtube.com/SLPublicLibrary at 7pm to watch local naturalists talk about and show the wonders of nature to be seen in and around Cedar Bay (birds, mushrooms, flowers and traditional plants).
Cedar Bay Talks
Thursday August 6th, 2020
The race will be live-streamed on Facebook (The Sioux Lookout Skating Club) at 11am sharp.
Message The Sioux Lookout Skating Club on Facebook or email siouxlookoutfsc@gmail.com to register a duck (or a few!) for $10 each. Payment can be made by e-transfer
Sioux Lookout Skating Club Rubber Ducky Race
Drop by the Travel Information Centre parking lot (11 First Ave. South) between 12pm and 3pm for a free BBQ and to view a vehicle and boat display.
Madsen GM/Mascotto's Marine Customer Appreciation
Cedar Bay Stables presents ‘The Unicorn Hunt’. Our escaped unicorn will be hiding somewhere around town for you to find between noon and 1pm!
Take a picture to help us catch her and send it with your name to friendsofcedarbay@gmail.com. You will be entered in a prize draw!
Remember to keep your 2-metre distance and look out for clues on the Friends of Cedar Bay Facebook page!
Find the Unicorn
Calling all kids aged 3-10! Pick up a Spotter Sheet at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) or the Kiosk in the Cedar Bay parking lot between Tuesday and Friday and see what kinds of wildlife you can spot on the Cedar Bay trails!
What Have You Spotted at Cedar Bay?
Sioux Cycling Weekly Group Ride
Join Sioux Cycling for a weekly cycling club ride. Beginners welcome! Meet at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) at 6:25 pm. The trip will be a maximum of 30km. All are welcome! Find us at @SiouxCycling on Facebook.
Friday August 7th, 2020

All routes will be marked on the day listed in the schedule of events. If you know the route, feel free to complete it whenever you please.
Blueberry Tri-Sport - Run
The traditional Blueberry Triathlon is taking a new form this year! The swim, bike, and run will take place on three separate days throughout the week. There will be no mass starts and routes will be marked between 9am and 3pm.
Participants must be at least 16 years old.
You may enter for one, two, or all three events as individuals or in teams of 2-3.
Follow this link to register: https://forms.gle/6R1M3VyJDaQqmDcq8
Participants will time themselves (honour system), and report their times to this online form: https://forms.gle/BWcGZUKdkv8gvLzA
For more information, call 737-3227.
Both short and long runs start at the Travel Information Centre (TIC). A white line painted across the path marks the start just west of the TIC near the gazebo.
For the short (Try-a-Tri) course, run south along the footpath, across the pedestrian bridge, past Forest Inn, up the hill, and to the turn-around (1.25 km south of the start). Complete the short course by running back to where you started. The short run course is a total of 2.5km.
For the long run course, keep running on the footpath past the short course turn-around, cross Highway 72 at the MNRF Fire Centre entry, continue running south on the footpath for approximately another kilometre to the long run turn-around. Turn around, and to complete the long run course, run back to where you started at the TIC. The long run course is a total of 5.0 km.
Short (Try-a-Tri) Run Route: Regular Run Route:
Local vendors will be selling their products in the Travel Information Centre parking lot (11 First Ave. South).
Drop by anytime between 9:30am-4pm and remember to follow the physical distancing guidelines posted.
Pop-Up Shops
Come on out to the beach to chase down a balloon dropped from one of our super-cool float planes! Prizes for all age groups! Location to be determined based on wind conditions - either MNR Beach or Second Sandy.
3rd Annual SFA Blueberry Festival Balloon Drop
Calling all kids aged 3-10! Pick up a Spotter Sheet at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) or the Kiosk in the Cedar Bay parking lot between Tuesday and Friday and see what kinds of wildlife you can spot on the Cedar Bay trails!
What Have You Spotted at Cedar Bay?
Visit youtube.com/SLPublicLibrary at 7pm to watch local naturalists talk about and show the wonders of nature to be seen in and around Cedar Bay (birds, mushrooms, flowers and traditional plants).
Cedar Bay Talks
Saturday August 8th, 2020
Jump in the saddle and let’s ride 50km together (not for the faint of heart). Meet at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) at 7:55 am. For more information, find @SiouxCycling on Facebook.
Third Annual Ride to Hudson (and Back)
32-hole stroke play golf tournament taking place at the Sioux Lookout Golf and Curling Club.
The 2-day event will begin at 9 am and the participant fee is $130 (subject to change due to COVID-19). For registration information, contact Alyssa at 737-1800.
Men's Blueberry Open (Day 1)
The 2020 Miss & Mr. Blueberry Pageant will be held online and is open to children, teens and adults of all ages.
Call Jaymee at 738-1764 for registration information.
Miss & Mr. Online Blueberry Pageant 2020
Show off your blueberry baking skills!
There are four categories: blueberry muffin, blueberry slice, blueberry bar, and blueberry bread. Each category is split into age groups.
Winners will be announced on the Great Blueberry Bake-Off Facebook page at 3:30pm! There are prizes to be won and official 2020 Great Blueberry Bake-Off Champion certificates.
Participants must register at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) or by calling 737-1937.

The Great Blueberry Bake-Off
The Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network is offering a free, anonymous webinar for families and individuals who have experienced pregnancy and/or infant loss.
To register for this online presentation, go to https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_t13myyHlRlC69-ZsTRQYfg
The password is blueberry
You will be provided with a meeting link once you complete your registration. For more information, visit www.pailnetwork.ca or email amy.muhr@sunnybrook.ca
Experiencing the loss of a pregnancy or the death of a baby is devastating, but you aren’t alone. Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Network offers peer-led, group and individual support services at no cost to families across Ontario.
Their support is provided by trained (local) volunteers who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss first-hand. They are a barrier-free, inclusive organization and they can provide interpreters in several languages, at a family’s request.
They know that there is no time limit on grief. For this reason, families can access their services at any time, for as long as they need it.
PAIL Network is interested in better understanding the cultural bereavement needs of people who live in Northern Ontario. They will share with you about the unique support that they offer and will provide opportunities in this presentation for you to privately share your suggestions with them.
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support: Community Connections
Sunday August 9th, 2020
32-hole stroke play golf tournament taking place at the Sioux Lookout Golf and Curling Club.
The 2-day event will begin at 9 am and the participant fee is $130 (subject to change due to COVID-19). For registration information, contact Alyssa at 737-1800.
Men's Blueberry Open (Day 2)
Join us at 2pm in the Travel Information Centre parking lot (11 First Ave. South) for a worship and prayer service. All are welcome!
Please stay in your car with your windows rolled down to hear the service!
Call 737-3227 if you have any questions.
Interdenominational Open-Air Worship Service
All Week Events
Decorate your window with some blueberry artwork! There are 2 categories: business and residential.
Judging will take place on the final day of the festival, and the winner will receive a special certificate and an at-home pizza party!
Register your address for judging at the Travel Information Centre or by calling 737-1937. Sponsored by the Travel Information Centre.

Blueberry Window Art Contest
Sioux Lookout Bulletin Blueberry Festival Photo Contest
Submit your best photos taken during the Blueberry Festival to Tim at editor@siouxbulletin.com by Tuesday, August 11 at 5pm.
There are several categories, including a kids' photo contest!
Visit www.siouxbulletin.com for the list of categories and full event details. Email the address above or call 737-3209 for more information.
After reading a short story about Blueberry Bert (posted on www.slpl.on.ca/blueberry), you get to keep the story going by creating a new part of the Blueberry-Verse!
Children aged 12 and under are invited to write a story about Blueberry Bert. He can be on the moon, he can be on Sioux Mountain, or anywhere in between! Visit the above website for full details.

Into the Blueberry-Verse Writing Contest
We are asking for your best story that takes place in Sioux Lookout or the surrounding area. A volunteer jury will read submissions and select 3 winners.
Submissions should be at least 250 words, and no longer than 1000 words. All submitted stories are considered for a collective anthology to be printed as a library fundraiser in the Fall. Visit slpl.on.ca/blueberry for full details.
Mountain Songs Writing Contest
Bring the biggest blueberry you can find (MUST be picked in Sioux Lookout or the surrounding area) to the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) for weighing. Blueberries must be submitted by August 9 at 3pm.
Biggest Blueberry Contest
Stop by 35 Wellington St. to check out PLSC's Blueberry BLT and daily blueberry desserts. Open from 10:30am-3pm, Monday to Saturday.
Pelican Lake Sandwich Company Blueberry Specials
You are invited to submit a mixed-medium (photography, paper mache, paint, anything you want!) representation of what Cedar Bay means to you. Whether you use the area for hiking, biking, skiing, horseback riding, or anything else, try and capture the spirit of Cedar Bay through art!
Send a photo of your submission to friendsofcedarbay@gmail.com, or post it on their Facebook page. Winners will be announced on the last day of the festival. The top 3 will receive some awesome outdoor gear!
Spirit of Cedar Bay Art Contest
Our social media scavenger challenge is back for its 3rd year! Each day, solve a new clue that will lead you to a new location to take a selfie!
Daily prizes! Bonus challenges! Email hr@freshmarketfoods.ca to register!

Fresh Market Foods Social Media Scavenger Challenge
Pick up your colouring sheets at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) or contact Tara at tara.pettit@ontario.ca for a downloadable copy.
Submit your best colouring to the box at the Travel Information Centre or by email to the address above by 4:30pm on August 7.for a chance to win a fun prize!
Contest categories are: under 6 years old, 6-9 years old, and 10-12 years old.
MNRF Kids Colouring Contest
We're looking for your best "wild-harvested food" recipes to compile a COVID-19 commemorative cookbook for this year's Festival.
Submit your recipes to natalie.popovic@ontario.ca by Sunday, August 9.
A pdf version of the cookbook will be sent to everyone who submits a recipe or made available for a small donation toward MNRF's other event prizes.
MNRF COVID-19 Blueberry Cookbook
Tune in to Good News Books' social media channels for Blueberry Festival fun all week long! There will be storewide sales, giveaways, blueberry drinks & treats, and daily specials for you to enjoy. All specials and activities will be announced through social media. For more information, contact Heidi at 737-4202.
Storewide Sales and Blueberry Specials
The SkyCare chieftain planes like to fly high! How many balloons can they fit in one on the ground?
Join us from August 3-7 at 9am and 3pm daily on Facebook and Instagram (@FlySkyCare) for the next clue! Guess how many balloons are in the plane by Thursday afternoon, and you could win one of three prize packs!
Winners will be revealed LIVE on Facebook at 3pm on Friday, August 7. Follow @FlySkyCare on Facebook and Instagram for all the details!

Balloon Guess
Calling all kids! Get your crayons and markers ready! Download a colouring page a Tikinagan.org or pick one up at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) or the Tikinagan main office (63 King St.)
The deadline to submit your page is Thursday, August 6 at 12pm (noon). Open to children 10 years old and younger. Prizes for each age category.

Tikinagan Child & Family Services Colouring Contest
Spend your week participating in a Blueberry Festival-inspired adventure for all ages! Full rules and details can be found at Tikinagan.org. Call 737-3466 for more information.
Tikinagan Photo Scavenger Hunt

Dust off that old VHS and keep the cameras rolling for your assignment, Sioux Lookout! We are looking for your funniest family bloopers, silly pranks, or human fails.
To submit your clip, visit Tikinagan.org and follow our simple instructions. We'll be editing a special Funniest Home Video edition, and if your clip gets used, you'll win a gift card!
The deadline to submit your video is August 7 at 11:59pm. The video will be released on August 10 on Facebook (@tikinagancfs). Presented by Tikinagan.
Funniest Home Videos Challenge

Time to dust off your GPS (or download a GPS app)! There are 10 limited edition geocaches hidden around Sioux Lookout.
For every cache you find, fill in this form: https://forms.gle/7yxEbQV9PTQbaT6B7 and your name will be entered to win a grand prize!
Coordinates can be found here:

Forest Bar & Grill invites you to join them for desserts, pies, and wings throughout the Festival! Call 737-1330 for more information.
Forest Bar & Grill Blueberry Specials Week
Let your creativity flow! Pick up a colouring page from the Travel Information Centre or download one from our Facebook page. There will be prizes for age categories of kids aged 12 and under, but we love to see completed colouring sheets from all ages!
Drop your finished masterpiece in the box at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) or email it to festival@blueberrybert.com for a chance to win a cool prize!
Official Blueberry Festival Colouring Contest
Looking to beat the heat? Stop by Drayton Cash & Carry (168 Drayton Rd.) to pick up some delicious Blueberry Cheesecake-flavoured ice cream! (dependant on availability)
Blueberry Ice Cream
Submit a photograph of a Sioux Lookout sunset! During the Blueberry festival, voting will be open to everyone to vote for the best sunset photo that will be featured in the Northern Experience magazine!

Sioux Lookout Photography Group Sunset Photo Contest
Discover Sioux Lookout's roots! Pick up a Tour Booklet at the Travel Information Centre (11 First Ave. South) and start your journey into the past. Included in the tour booklet is genealogical information highlighting the stories of 10 Sioux Lookout pioneers and ancestors who helped shape our community.
Each story has a number corresponding to a marked gravesite, which we encourage everyone to visit any time throughout the Festival.
Self-Guided Historical Cemetery Tour
During the Blueberry Festival, there will be Blueberry Bert-themed painted rocks hidden around town.
If you find one, bring it to Drayton Cash & Carry to cash it in for a prize! There are 20 smaller rocks hidden that will get you a bag of candy, and one BIG rock that will get you an even bigger prize!
A big thank you to the McCord boys for organizing this and donating the prizes!
Painted Rocks